Rabota Evlabia - Rural Surveying Engineer NTUA - Every Kind of Topographic Works - Cadastre

25817 Visitors:
Address: Piraeus
Area: Pireas
Telephone: 6972274161
Mobile: -
P.C.: 18536
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Responsibility and scientifically documented work are the components that ensure the services provided by our office. With the latest technological equipment and the excellent training of topographic applications, we provide solutions and services to individuals, technical companies, fellow engineers and public bodies, covering every activity....
25817 Visitors:

Piraeus, Pireas

25817 Visitors:

Responsibility and scientifically documented work are the components that ensure the services provided by our office.

With the latest technological equipment and the excellent training of topographic applications, we provide solutions and services to individuals, technical companies, fellow engineers and public bodies, covering every activity.


Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Compilation of dependent topographic diagrams with EGSA 87 coordinates
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Recommendations of horizontal and vertical ownership, property combinations
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Land delimitation
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Applying expropriation limits
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Apply coastlines
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Arrangement of plots
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Correction of an implementation act
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Issue of building action
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Statement of boreholes - wells
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Forestry, Characterization Actions and Opposition to Forest Maps (free compilation & submission of a dossier with a topographic plan)
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Locating real estate
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Cadastre, property declarations, objections and corrections of geometric data
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Issuing of engineer certificates for real estate transfers
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Small-scale licenses
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Photo interpretations
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Worksite Support
Rabota Evlabia - Surveying Engineer Piraeus Grazing of pastures & inaccessible areas with drone
25817 Visitors:


Telephone: 6972274161

Working Hours

After appointment
After appointment
After appointment
After appointment
After appointment